Saturday, 29 August 2015

How Stress Affects Health

Stress is a normal part of everyday life.  At times it is a driving force for us to achieve better and succeed.  It is not always easy to define stress and it has different meaning for different people.  Mostly stress represents a negative feeling or experience and rather than a positive one. People vary in how they react to stress; same event can be stressful to one and not others. Similarly some recover quickly where others may not be able to cope.  Stress can affect both physical and mental health if it continues for longer duration.   

Stress can be defined as the brains response to any demand or pressure.  Chronic stress changes the balance of neurochemicals and hormones in the body and one may feel on high alert all the time. Chronic stress can also lead to structural changes in some areas of the brain.
Stress has been broadly classified into three groups.  First group comprises of the routine stresses brought about by day to day life e.g. work, family and other responsibilities.  Second group of stress is more severe in nature such as sudden change or loss in life e.g. divorce, losing a job, illness, death of a loved one etcetera.  Third group is commonly known as trauma like major accident, war, disaster, rape.  There is severe threat to life or integrity of an individual and most people find this type of stress difficult to manage and cope with.

Physical effects of stress can come across as loss of sleep, tiredness, appetite changes, aches and pains, headaches etcetera.  Stress can affect the immune system negatively and people become more prone to infections.  Long term stress and strain can lead to serious health problems and people become predisposed to develop conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and other illnesses.  Stress can also worsen existing physical health problems like asthma, diabetes, ischemic heart disease etcetera.

Stress has numerous mental health or psychological effects and sometimes stress is seen as such a mental health problem.   Most people cope with day to day life stress but some find it difficult and can develop anxiety, irritability, insomnia, fatigue, poor concentration and forgetfulness.  Some find it hard to deal with other people or social situations and may become recluse.  Chronic stress can lead to something called adjustment disorder which can present as severe anxiety, agitation, irritability, tearfulness, and suicidal thoughts, self-harm, depression.  People change life style and can engage in harmful activities like smoking, use of alcohol and drugs in an attempt to self-medicate to get some relief.  This often worsens the symptoms in long run and ultimately leads to drug addiction. It is know if the stress is removed from the person’s life, there is usually good recovery. Chronic fatigue syndrome is one of the outcomes of modern age life style and stress.

In contrast, when someone is traumatised by an extreme kind of stress like disaster, war, rape, and torture it can lead to severe and enduring mental illness. People can develop acute stress disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder and other  mood problems.  Repeated exposure to such stress can lead to chronic posttraumatic stress disorder, change in personality and even psychotic symptoms. Dissociation is very common and people can develop dissociative amnesia to multiple personality disorder. 

It is very important to identify stress early on and make necessary changes if possible to avoid long term problems. Talking to friends and family helps to overcome routine and day to day stress.  Sometimes people need help by professional counselling and at times medication if symptoms are severe.  There should be no hesitation in seeking appropriate help as failure to address the problem can lead to long term physical and mental health problems in addition to poor quality of life.  It is important to realise that the sometimes the solution can be in making simple life style changes. If that does not work one should seek help from a mental health professional who can be a counsellor, psychologist and psychiatrist.  It is also important to seek the right advice than get caught up into a cycle of doctor shopping.  People often end with cocktail of medications after having multiple investigations which are not often warranted.  It is often stigma and shame which holds people back from seeking the right help.

With any stressful situation, it is helpful to take a step back and try to think rationally. Regular exercise, good sleep, balanced eating and quality time with friends and family are helpful. It is necessary to keep balance between work and other leisure activities. Faith and spirituality are good for reducing stress and better coping. Avoiding drugs, alcohol and smoking are helpful in long run though they may seem attractive at the time. The most important step that leads to recovery is recognising that there is a problem.  Once acknowledged, recovery can begin.

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Orphans of Conflict: Forgotten by Society and the State

Kashmir valley had just one orphanage in 1986, now there are more than 700.  An estimate by a UK based charity Save the Children; Kashmir valley has 215,000 orphans out of which more than 37% have lost one or both parents to the prevailing conflict. More than 15% of these children live in orphanages. Before 1990 most orphans were rehabilitated within extended families and adopted by relatives without any financial help from the State.  Due to the ongoing conflict, the number of orphans increased exponentially and families struggled to take care. Some had no extended families, some families were too poor to look after their relative’s children and others worried about their safety at home.  The traditional role of society towards orphans started changing and various Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) took over the role of extended families and homes got substituted by orphanages. Most of the orphanages are run by charities, NGOs and some by the State.  Reportedly most of these orphanages are not registered.  Let’s not forget though, 85% of these orphans are living within community without any help from the State.  
In orphanages, usual focus is on providing physical rehabilitation like food, clothing, and safe shelter but hardly any emphasis on the psychological wellbeing and over all personality development. There is no evidence that orphanages are helpful in the long run and are said to have negative influence. Institutionalised children have poor psychosocial development due to insufficient emotional stimulation. It has been proven beyond doubt that orphanages are an awful place to live in and most developed countries have shut them down during the early parts of last century. These children become ‘Institutionalised’ and are not able to blend in or perform in the society to their potential.  They are always reminded of being orphans, dependent and somehow not equal. They are not able to grieve and come to terms with their loss.  Often they are deprived of the normal childhood as they are expected to be mindful of the local rules twenty four seven. They are mostly devoid of any personal choice and have to do what is being told. This gives them a sense of rejection, worthlessness, low self-esteem leading to various emotional problems. Our own studies have revealed that more than 40% of the children living in orphanages suffer from various psychological problems with hardly any access to help. Having been victims and witnesses of severe trauma, Kashmiri orphans are at increased risk of psychological problems.
I am no way trying to criticise the good work these NGOs are doing or have done over these difficult times. It is fair to say that if these orphanages had not come to rescue, these children may have become victims of hunger, violence, exploitation and what not.  Most of these charities are working in good faith and have done a commendable job. At times, there have been concerns about poor living conditions due to overcrowding, lack of entertainment, regimental lifestyle, poor diet and access to education and health. Various forms of abuse do occur with institutionalised children and there are hardly any checks.  It is also alleged that some people are misusing the name of orphanages to keep their own businesses going. A meagre sum of 50 rupees a day per child is provided for the State run orphanages. 
These poor children have been neglected by society and condemned by the state.  Organising the longest Iftar party on the shores of Dal Lake for promoting tourism by using orphans as bait for sponsors is not exactly caring. Breaking fast with them during Ramadhan by police officers and posting pictures on social media does not heal their wounds. Let the cameras not focus on them with a judgmental eye, reminding them of their underprivileged status and horrible past. Do we have any right to cash in on their helplessness?
The J&K Rehabilitation Council was created in 1996 with one of the objectives to look after any orphans who are product of the conflict. Although, it claims to provide physical, psychological and economic rehabilitation, but no one has heard of it on ground. 
The National Commission for Protection of Child Rights had recommended to the J&K government to draft a Child Policy and set up State Commission for Protection of Child Rights back in 2010. It had made several other recommendations to ensure their rights including that “The orphanages should function instead as boarding schools, the state government should do away with the nomenclature of ‘orphanages’ or ‘orphans’ which could be stigmatizing as well as incorrect in many cases”. 
The State Government had signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Women and Child Development in 2013 for implementation of Integrated Child Protection Scheme in the State.  But I doubt any proposal was submitted for the release of grants. After all, orphans don’t have money for paying bribes to bureaucrats, so why should they bother? 
Have we become used to the growing orphanage culture? Is institutionalising these poor children been normalised and actively promoted?  Or do we need to cut down on the number of these orphanages to the minimum possible and ultimately aim to close them all? 
It is a shame that there is no policy in the state for rehabilitation or safeguarding of these orphans and neither did the state government bother to act on any recommendations.  Are these children not the responsibility of the State? Where is the State Commission for Protection of Child Rights?
So what can we do? 
Foster parenting or fostering has been adopted worldwide, wherein any family can volunteer to raise orphan children with regular financial help from the state to cover up the costs. Background check of the family is done by trained social workers to assess suitability.  Subsequently regular checks are carried out to prevent any abuse or engagement in child labour. 
Most extended families who had to give up these children because of poverty would be happy to have them back if due financial assistance is provided. Also State can give an option of adoption for families who want to come forward after a due process. 
Is not the foster parenting way of our beloved Prophet PBUH?  Was not this our way before this conflict started?  If we are able to look after 85% of these orphans within families, we can look after the remaining 15% as well with some planning and help. 
It is criminal if they are left at the mercy of orphanages for ever.  Social welfare department needs to wake up and utilise all resources from central schemes and NGO’s. A special department or even a cell can be started in the social welfare department to collaborate with various NGOs, orphanages and civil society to come up with a joint working plan. That would entail educating masses, advertising benefits of fostering and adoption. It should be made easy for people so that they can come forward minimising the red tape.
 Same money currently spent to run these orphanages can be pooled from both State and NGOs and used to support the families who are willing to raise these children. The state could also act on recommendations of the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights and try to manage these places as boarding schools wherever possible. The State needs to come up with laws and checks to prevent any kind of abuse of these children either in orphanages or in community. 
If State continues to fail, the civil society would have to take charge of this serious matter.  
Civil society has a major role in rehabilitating these children and utilise resources for integrating them in the community than promoting orphanage culture. Civil society can take on various stake holders including the State, NGOs, charities, international bodies’ etcetera to start the process. Imams of the mosques can help spreading the message to promote the change. The schools have a bigger role to play making sure these children are attending regularly and their academic performance is at par or at least not declining for any reason.
To conclude the state government needs to own these orphans and work with other stakeholders to rehabilitate them in community.   They are there because of the choices made by State and not because of their free will. They deserve to live in community with dignity and not neglected, used or institutionalised.


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